The only friend Sméagol/Gollum is explicitly stated as having is Déagol, the hapless cousin murdered by Sméagol to get the Ring. After the murder of Déagol and his subsequent deeds with the help of the Ring, it does not seem Gollum had any true friends. My Precciousss.
Sméagol was Gollum's original name.
best friend best friend best friend
Jojo's best friend is charlie "nene" Kennedy she is not showbiz just the sidekick of Jojo but her real best friend.. Jojo's best friend is charlie "nene" Kennedy she is not showbiz just the sidekick of Jojo but her real best friend..
Gabriella's best friend is Taylor McKessie.
his best friend is R-TruthJohn Cenas best friend out of the ring is randy orton
Sméagol was Gollum's original name.
BFFL- Best Friend For Life BFF- Best Friend Forever BF- Best Friend
You are looking for your best friend.
at is the simple subject
Compare that friend to other friends, if you get along best, it's your best.
You can say "My best friend was named" or "My best friend's name was."
Just as man's best friend is his dog, Hades' best friend was Cerberus.
if your best friend is a male its parri if your best friend is a male its parri
If she/he is your best friend she will always support you in everything you do.
Autumn is montana's best best Friend.
I trust my best friend.