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Q: Who tells Jack where Ralph is hiding in Chapter 12?
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What chapter does samneric choose Ralph?

Samneric choose to join Ralph and Piggy in Chapter 12 of "Lord of the Flies," after they are captured by Jack's tribe and forced to betray Ralph's hiding place. They express regret for their actions and seek safety with Ralph's group.

Who tells jack where ralph is hiding?

In "Lord of the Flies," Roger tells Jack where Ralph is hiding. Roger was a loyal follower of Jack and had been actively participating in hunting down Ralph along with the other boys.

In Chapter 12 what are the two methods that the boys use to get Ralph out of the hiding spot?

Once Jack is certain that Ralph is hiding in the thicket he puts two different plans into effect. Firstly a boulder is levered from the top of castle rock and sent crashing into the thicket. When this fails to kill Ralph or drive him out of hiding Jack puts his second plan into effect. He lights a fire, hoping to smoke Ralph out of hiding, and unintentionally sets the entire island on fire.

How is ralphs hiding place discovered?

Sam and Eric tells Roger and Jack the location of Ralph`s hiding place, because they were being abused

Why does jack start the whole area on fire?

jack starts the fire to get ralph out of his hiding

How does jack's tribe flush Ralph from hiding?

setting the forest on fire

Who betrays ralphs secret hiding place in lord of the flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," Ralph's secret hiding place is revealed to Jack and his tribe by Samneric, Ralph's two loyal friends who are captured and tortured by Jack's tribe. Under pressure and fear, Samneric betray Ralph's hiding place to Jack in order to avoid further harm.

In chapter 11 of Lord of the Flies what happens when Ralph tells Jack about the glasses?

When Ralph tells Jack about the glasses, Jack is enraged and leads a violent attack on Ralph and his group. This results in the destruction of their camp and the theft of Piggy's glasses, which were essential for starting fires.

Who has more power at the end of the chapter jack or Ralph chapter 4?

It changed because everytime Ralph would give Jack anal, Jack would constantly tell him to stop going so hard, because it hurts.

Why is Ralph safe at the beginning of the chapter 12 in Lord of the Flies?

At the beginning of chapter 12 in Lord of the Flies, Ralph is safe because he is hiding in the bushes and is not immediately visible to Jack's tribe. Jack's tribe is focused on finding and killing Ralph, so his hidden location keeps him safe for the time being.

In chapter 7 what does Ralph ask Jack?

He asks him "Why do you hate me?"

Which two things does Ralph say that insult jack in chapter 8?

During the meeting in chapter 8: Gift for the Darkness Jack accused Ralph of being a coward. He also said that Ralph was, 'like Piggy. He says things like Piggy.' And that Ralph wasn't a hunter and would never have got meat for the boys.