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Once Jack is certain that Ralph is hiding in the thicket he puts two different plans into effect. Firstly a boulder is levered from the top of castle rock and sent crashing into the thicket. When this fails to kill Ralph or drive him out of hiding Jack puts his second plan into effect. He lights a fire, hoping to smoke Ralph out of hiding, and unintentionally sets the entire island on fire.

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Q: In Chapter 12 what are the two methods that the boys use to get Ralph out of the hiding spot?
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What are the two methods the boys use to get ralph out of his hiding spot?

The boys light the forest on fire to force Ralph out of his hiding spot, and they also use spears and try to flush him out by spreading out and attacking him from different sides.

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In chapter 8 of "Lord of the Flies," the boys who stay with Ralph are Simon, Piggy, and Samneric. They choose to remain loyal to Ralph and help him maintain order on the island.

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Ralph escapes the hunters while stabbing two boys in Chapter 11 of the book "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding.

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The main boys in Ralph's tribe in chapter 10 of Lord of the Flies are Ralph, Piggy, Samneric, and a few littluns. Ralph also tries to maintain some influence over boys like Jack, who have joined the tribe but remain loyal to their own leader.

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In chapter ten of "Lord of the Flies," the three boys left with Ralph are Piggy, Sam, and Eric. They support Ralph in his leadership role and help him in his confrontation with Jack and his tribe.

Who are the boys who stayed with Ralph Chapter 8?

In Chapter 8 of "Lord of the Flies," the boys who stay with Ralph are Piggy, Samneric (Sam and Eric), and a few littluns. They remain loyal to Ralph, even as the group dynamic begins to shift towards Jack's savage tribe.

What is the target of the boys hunting in chapter 12 of lord of the flies?

The boys hunt for Ralph as an order of Jack.

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What are Ralph three complaints that the boys have failed to do in chapter 5?

In Chapter 5 of "Lord of the Flies," Ralph's complaints are that the boys are not maintaining the signal fire properly, they are not focusing on building shelters, and they are neglecting any sense of order and responsibility in the group.

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At the end of Chapter 6, the boys reenact the hunt and killing of a pig by pretending to be the pig and carrying out the act. This display of savagery triggers guilt and discomfort in Ralph, as it reveals the boys' descent into barbarism.

Where was Ralph on chapter 12?

In "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding, in Chapter 12, Ralph was being hunted by Jack and his tribe. He was hiding in the forest, trying to evade capture and survive as the tension between the two groups escalated towards a violent climax.

What was Ralph frightened of in Lord of the Flies?

in chapter 10, Ralph said he was frightened of "us". Meaning how the boys had started to act wild and crazed.