The cast of Up Close and Personal with Natalie Merchant - 2001 includes: Natalie Merchant as herself
Gabriel Gordon
Natalie Merchant first started her career with the band "Still Life", which was later on renamed to "10.000 Maniacs" making music usually linked to the alternative rock genre. In 1993 she started her solo career where she plays music linked to the alternative genre.
Natalie Merchant--1996 Also a song with that title by The Escape Club in the late 80's
jewel, mariah Carey, alanis morisette, Gwen stephani [no doubt], and Natalie merchant, etc...
I believe it is Natalie Merchant - song:Wonder
Natalie Merchant's birth name is Natalie Anne Merchant.
Natalie Merchant was born on October 26, 1963.
Natalie Merchant was born on October 26, 1963.
Natalie Merchant goes by Whirling Dervish, and Gnat.
The cast of Up Close and Personal with Natalie Merchant - 2001 includes: Natalie Merchant as herself
Motherland - Natalie Merchant album - was created on 2001-11-13.
King Arut is a rapper that sings the song "Ghetto Love". King Arut is a rapper that sings the song "Ghetto Love".
She is not
Intimate Portrait - 1993 Natalie Merchant was released on: USA: 8 November 1999
Gabriel Gordon