No, The Nightmare Before Christmas is an original film by Tim Burton. The name of the movie is like a "parady" to Twas The Night Before Christmas.
Every year Disney Channel airs it during Christmas because the story centers around the main character Jack Skellington who is sick of Halloween and ventures to Christmas. After seeing Christmas Jack decides to make his own.
Yes she is. Click on the link below for more information.
no.... Henry Selick and Tim Burton....... were -Sammy (but the creator of Coraline was the same as The Nightmare Before Christmas)
In the movie "A nightmare before christmas", the singing voice is done by Danny Elfman and the talking voice is by Chris Sarandon.
Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas.
Yes, Nightmare Before Christmas is a Disney movie. is a good resource for these decorations. Consider searching for The Nightmare Before Christmas decorations, or asking for this in stores, as the movie blends Halloween and Christmas very well.
The Villain in The Nightmare Before Christmas is Oogie Boogie.
Tim Burton wrote a three page poem titledThe Nightmare Before Christmas when he was a Disney animator in the early-1980s.
It's simply a movie. It can be watched at any time throughout the year and is "normal".
No, The Nightmare Before Christmas is an original film by Tim Burton. The name of the movie is like a "parady" to Twas The Night Before Christmas.
yeah is good
The Nightmare Before Christmas
a clay animated movie.
Every year Disney Channel airs it during Christmas because the story centers around the main character Jack Skellington who is sick of Halloween and ventures to Christmas. After seeing Christmas Jack decides to make his own.