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The Band Is Toothpick

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Q: Who sings the theme song to the movie 'Super Size Me'?
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What was the copyright date of the movie Super Size Me?


What was the original name for the movie super size me?

Fast Food Hero.

In super size me movie what was Morgan's weight before 30 days?

Super size me is a nasty movie the dude pukes man and u see it so ya he gets really big check on google and remember to never super size it up! Lolz

Is McDonald's really bad for you?

have you ever seen the movie "super-size me"? yes

What is some math problems you can do about the movie Super Size Me?

the portion sizes or the prices or the weight he gained

What meals are high risk?

McDonald's food. They are extremely fatty.Watch the movie super size me.Trust me, i know

Is it true that heavy marijuana use can cause a low sperm count in males?

NO..i saw the movie.."Super High Me" its a documentary..(like the movie "super size me") and he went to the doctor and it didn't show a low sperm was about the same..

What is the size of a Tumblr header?

Every Theme allows a specific size of header. Check your theme's code.

What is the duration of Super Size Me?

The duration of Super Size Me is 1.63 hours.

What is the next size bed after super king size?

Super dooper

What is trisha figure size?

Super size super colour sexy size totaly excelent

When was Super Size Me created?

Super Size Me was created on 2004-05-07.