Wrong! There is indeed a very fun "dog lovers magazine" syndicated TV show called "Dog Tales". I believe it has been aired since 2012. See dogtalestv.com. If you look at the credits at the end of the show, it doesn't say who sings the various songs they use. But it does list "songs by" and has the names of five men. So I would guess they are the writers and the singers of those songs.
Ozzy Osbourne
Their names are just Cat and Dog!
who sings the song...The song you are looking for is Real Life by Jeff Carson. Very sad song about a boy and his dog and he grows up and the dog dies. I can't copy and paste the lyrics but the main lyric is "and I never was, the same again" Very sad song! Feed Jake by Pirates of the Mississippi
Musical groups that have performed the song Salty Dog include The Morris Brothers, Lead Belly, Hot Tuna, Cat Power, Jelly Roll Morton and many others as well. This song was an old folk song in the 1900s.
He gave him head for 45 min and Ozzy went ohhh yea and spooged in his mouth and did the song
Ozzy Osbourne
Identity confusion.
Cat dog
Florence and The Machine sings the song Dog Days are over
Cat dog
snoopy dog
The theme song for "Dog the Bounty Hunter" is called "Dog the Bounty Hunter Theme" and it was composed by Ozzy Osbourne. It features a blend of rock and heavy metal music, reflecting the fast-paced and intense nature of the show.
Ray LaMontagne sings the song in the dog food commercial. Great voice, great song. Look for it on you tube.
Blake Shelton
''Adventures in the Greaser sitting'' and ,,The Cat club''.The song is after ,,The Cat club'' episode.
I Think it is 'The Melvins'