Inuyasha is half dog demon. inu means dog, neko means cat.
He's a cat; if you watch the earliest Mickey Mouse cartoons (Steamboat Willie for example), it's pretty obvious. It's been changed to look more doglike in recent years, but he's still a cat.
nick's dog's name is Elvis Joe's' dog is Winston and Kevin's dog is Riley these are their pets names for 2011
Jughead's dog and Dennis the Menace's cat are both named Hot Dog.
a dog and cat
Cat is to Dog (3-letter animal names) as Peach is to Apple (5-letter fruit names).
Dog is Canis familiaris; cat is Felis cattus.
Lincoln reportedly had a dog and cat by these names.
* Dog * Cat
she doesnt have a dog, just a cat
pig dog cat rat bat
Common because they are not names.
Her dog's names are Jack, Lily and Oz. But she also has a cat called Jella.
Son, Daughter, Dog, Cat, Fish, Wife
ape bee cat dog
cat dog emu pig fox