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Jewel Akens-1965

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Q: Who sings the birds and the bees?
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Who sings birds and the bees 1966 pop?

It was performed by a singer named Jewel Akens.

What are songs by Breathe California?

the birds and the bees. its awesome. the birds and the bees. its awesome. the birds and the bees. its awesome. the birds and the bees. its awesome. the birds and the bees. its awesome.

Why is it called the birds and the bees when it has nothing to do with birds or bees?

There is actually a story about making babies called Birds, Bees, Babies in which the birds and the bees make a baby and then the stork delivers it. They use frogs and snails and puppy dog tails. The story is a way to satisfy the curiosity of children who are asking where babies come from. The birds and bees story is called Birds, Bees, Babies and was written by J.L. Sweat.

Who sings the song with the lyrics let you tell you about the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees and a thing called love?

the artist is Jewel Akens the words and the music are by Herb Newman

What is birds and bees?

"The birds and the bees" (sometimes expanded to "the birds, the bees and the butterflies" or "the birds, the bees, the flowers, and the trees") is a commonly used phrase (which has become somewhat of a clich

What keeps bees from making nests?

Nature. Bees are insects. Birds make nests.

What honey bees?

Birds are the main predators of honey bees.

What are the ratings and certificates for The Birds and the Bees - 1956?

The Birds and the Bees - 1956 is rated/received certificates of: Finland:S Sweden:Btl

What are the things that can pollinate?

bees, birds

How do babies are created?

the birds and the bees :)

Why can bees fly when some birds can't?

Because:1. They evolved that way2. Some birds have no need for flight3. Bees have wings

What actors and actresses appeared in Birds and Bees - 2007?

The cast of Birds and Bees - 2007 includes: Evan Jay Newman as Daniel