it's Noel Gallagher, and the song is called High flying birds AKA.....What a Life.
Sounds like Richard Hawley to me.It is... it's 'Open Up Your Door' from his latest album 'Truelove's Gutter'. Go and buy it... it's genius!
Vauxhall/Opel Calibra
Elvis Presley
Mark addy
Rosina Carbone
Sounds to me like it Noel From oasis.
Dan Croll - From Nowhere
If your refering to the advert with the coloured smoke, it was specially commisioned for the advert and is called Celebration Of Fun
BOY - Little Numbers
I think it might be Rufus Wainwright?
gary barlow
Paolo Nutini
Kaleidescope Heart Sara Bareilles (poor spelling)
The song is by Blondie and it is called "Heart of Glass"
Goldfrapp Oh La La The latest one is Bruno Mars - Runaway Baby
Dont know about who sings the lyrics, but the song being used in the latest advert is Piano B by Phildel