"Bullet With A Name" is a song by Nonpoint. It is on the album To The Pain, which was released on November 8, 2005.
Chastain - Bullet From A Gun
Suzanne Vega
The band that sings Edge's theme is Alter Bridge and the song is "Metalingus".
Bulletproof is the name of several songs by various artists in different genres.Some include:La RouxKerliFive Finger Death PunchPacifierGoo Goo DollsOthers can be found at the list in the related links.
bullet for my valentine
Bullet For My Valentine.
La Rouix
No. Not at all. Bullet actually even sings of God and Heaven in a good way.
La Roux sings a song with those lyrics.
The song is "Bullet With Butterfly Wings" By The Smashing Pumpkins. (:
No Name on the Bullet was created in 1959.
The duration of No Name on the Bullet is 1.28 hours.
Bullet. His horse's name was Trigger.
Bullet With Butterfly Wings by Smashing Pumpkins
Little bullet: Bullet BillBig Bullet: Banzai BillGiant Bullet: King Bill