I don't think they gave a name for it in the movie but Mrs.Durham said to just say that it was the hospital.
Someone said Willy but i want the real name not the fake movie name!
The actress of Lavender Brown (if that's what you mean) is played by, Kathleen Cauley in the second movie, Jeniffer Smith in the third movie, And Jessie Cave in the sixth movie and has said will return in the seventh movie. She is only in a little bit of the book though.
Roger Ebert.
The cats name is furmun the other mother says it in the film-furmunNo, the cat's name is not furman... she said vermin as in an animal that carries disease and is a pest. The other mother hates cats, which is why she called him vermin. The cat has no name.
bullet for my valentine got their name from "the fictionally evil yet lovingly lyrical content" as said by Matt Tuck
The werewolf was said to be able to be killed with a silver bullet.
Abraham lincoln
I can think of one movie - "He Said, She Said". Kevin Bacon is one of the columnists but I can't remember the name of his female counterpart. Not sure if this is the one that you are looking for but it might be.
Imagine firing a handgun while standing on earth with no one or thing around for the bullet to hit. The bullet will speed out of the gun, and as it moves it will trace out a curve as it gradually gets pulled to earth by the earth's gravity, and loses speed because of air resistance. It wil then fall to earth perhaps several hundred yards away. Now imagine climbing up a tall tower and doing the same thing with a high velocity rifle. The bullet will travel faster from the rifle than from the handgun but will still eventually fall to the ground under gravity and slow down because of air resistance, but in this case, the bullet might travel a mile or two before falling to the ground, and the curve its path of flight traces out will be much larger. Now imagine the satellite. When launched, the satellite travels fast like the bullet, but it will not slow down like the bullet because, as the satellite is launched into space, there is no air resistance as there is no air there. Similarly the speed at which the satellite is launched is sufficient for it to continue to fall to earth, just like the bullet, but in the satellite's case the curve it traces out is exactly the same as the curve of the earth. So, the satellite continues to freefall to earth, just like the bullets, but as the curve of the earth is exactly the same as the curve of the satellite's path, the satellite will never reach the earth. It's as if the earth was 'moving away' from the satellite as fast as it was falling towards it. This is what is meant by 'going into orbit' and it is why satellites and spacecraft have to escape the earth at great speed if they are to go into orbit. If they did not have the speed required (called the 'escape velocity') their curve of trajectory would be too small and they would fall back to earth before going into orbit.
Abraham Lincoln
The species Paraponera clavata is called the bullet ant because it is said that the pain caused by its sting is comparable to the pain caused by a bullet.
I don't think they gave a name for it in the movie but Mrs.Durham said to just say that it was the hospital.
a Gaussian or 'normal' distribution
Sadly I don't think they ever said the name of Gaston's tavern in the movie.
Margaret Tate was her name.