The actress of Lavender Brown (if that's what you mean) is played by, Kathleen Cauley in the second movie, Jeniffer Smith in the third movie, And Jessie Cave in the sixth movie and has said will return in the seventh movie. She is only in a little bit of the book though.
his name is pvt frank pike or in real life ian lavender
Sister's NameChris Brown's sisters' real name is Lytrell Bundy.
Lavender Brown and Hermione Granger.
Joe Brown is a real person
his real name is lavender and his sure name is trogg
His real name is Lavender Troggs.
his name is lavender ha ha
lavender troggs
His real name is Christopher Maurice Brown :)
Lavender Troggs is Dr Strangeglove's real name in Moshi Monsters.
Cristopher Maurice Brown
Inga D. Marchard
tamela mann