There are several songs with the same or similar title.
One of the best known is "Musica Electrica" by Alma Matris feat. Tania Segura (1997, Vrs Records). It's been remixed by many DJs.
Another one is "La Musica Electronica" by Il Caesar (2001, CNR Music).
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The Latin equivalent of the English statement 'Music is food for the soul' is the following: Musica est cibus pro anima. In the word-by-word translation, the noun 'musica' means 'music'. The verb 'est' means '[he/she/it] is'. The noun 'cibus' means 'food'. The preposition 'pro' means 'for'. And the noun 'anima' means 'soul'.
For Boethius, the highest form of music was musica mundana, the macrocosmic harmony of the universe contained in the motions of the stars and planets and the rhythmic progression of the seasons. Equivalent terms are musica universalis and music of the spheres.Inferior to this was musica humana, the microcosmic harmony contained in the proportions of the human body and soul, including the four temperaments, or personality types, resulting from the relative disposition of the four humors.The lowest type of music for Boethius was musica instrumentalis, the audible harmonies produced by instruments and human voices.
musica mundana
Keith Sweat sang 'Get up on it' in 2004 and Bone Crusher sang it in 2006.
The Temptations sang Get Ready.
ElecTRONica was created in 2010.
ElecTRONica ended in 2012.
Jay Electronica was born on 1976-09-19.
Prix Ars Electronica was created in 1987.
Electronica - 1960 was released on: USA: August 1960
Disco Electronica is an event that is held in Manchester. See the related link below.
I'd consider Belanova to be more a synthpop or pop band than "electronica" per-se although synth-pop is a form of electronic music, it's not "electronica".
Musica means music.
Musica humana
Electronica - 2007 was released on: USA: 30 January 2007 (Los Angeles, California)
Musica Florea was created in 1992.
Amore Musica was created in 2005.