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musica mundana

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Boethius wrote several books. The Consolation of Philosophy was his most famous work. He also translated some ancient Greek works: Topicis Differentiis and De Arithmetica, and De Institutione Musica,

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What was the music of the universe written by boethius?

"The Music of the Universe" was written by Boethius as part of his philosophical work "The Consolation of Philosophy." In this text, Boethius explores the harmony and order of the universe, drawing on the idea of music as a metaphor for the underlying structure and coherence of the world. The work discusses how understanding this harmony can help individuals find solace and meaning in the face of adversity.

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No, It was Anicius Boethius (c. 480-524) who wrote The Fundamentals of Music .

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For Boethius, the highest form of music was musica mundana, the macrocosmic harmony of the universe contained in the motions of the stars and planets and the rhythmic progression of the seasons. Equivalent terms are musica universalis and music of the spheres.Inferior to this was musica humana, the microcosmic harmony contained in the proportions of the human body and soul, including the four temperaments, or personality types, resulting from the relative disposition of the four humors.The lowest type of music for Boethius was musica instrumentalis, the audible harmonies produced by instruments and human voices.

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Boethius died in 524.

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No, Guido d'Arezzo invented.FALSE!

When was Boethius born?

Boethius was born in 480.