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The Outhere Brothers - Boom Boom Boom

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Q: Who sang boom boom boom let you say wayoo?
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"Let's have a blast!" "Let's go out with a bang!" "I think you're the bomb!"

Song containing lyrics I'll be your man?

Close - the Beatles sang "I Want To Hold Your Hand", which has lyrics "Please say to me you'll let me be your man".

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no he says boom bang firepower.

In night at the museum does the statue say boom boom firepower?

no he says boom bang firepower

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the Irish for sang is "chan", so to say "Mary sang a song" would be "chan Mary amhrán"

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i wanna see ya boom boom shake shake now drop what your mamma say boom boom shake shake now drop what your dadda say boom boom shake shake now drop what your sister say boom boom shake shake now drop drop drop drop hey i wanna see you move shake it drop it lol that's all i know of the first verse but that's the chorus (:

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Oh, dude, Zayn Malik sang "Let Me Love You" by Mario when he auditioned for The X Factor. Like, he totally nailed it and stole everyone's hearts with his smooth vocals. And the rest is history, you know?

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