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Smash mouth

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Q: Who sang 'Somebody once told the world is going to roll me'?
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How does a rolling start work?

once your going fast enough you have to drop the clutch and it will roll the engine

What is the whole song of somebody once told me that the world is macaroni?

The song is 'All Star'by Smash Mouth, which begins, 'Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me'. The 'macaroni' lyrics are either misheard or deliberately rewritten. See the links below for the real piece, and also for alternate lyrics to 'All Star'; there are plenty.

What rock band sings you want to rock?

Nazareth - Somebody To Roll

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When was Heads Are going to Roll created?

Heads Are Gonna Roll was created in 1999.

When was going to Roll the Bones created?

Gonna Roll the Bones was created in 1967.

Can a pigeon do a 306 degree roll in flight?

ys they can roll 306 degree not once they can do 3-4 times at once place itself it depends on breed

When was Hearts Are going to Roll created?

Hearts Are Gonna Roll was created on 1993-02-15.

When was Some Heads Are going to Roll created?

Some Heads Are Gonna Roll was created in 1984-02.

Is you going to fly a rock and roll?

Maybe, but not now.