Wade Collins said the word hobnocker on iCarly. Everyone is wondering what it means LOL.
chiz is from the famous nickelodeon shows Icarly and Victorious. the word chiz means a German sausage from Victorious. it also means business.but both Victorious and Icarly could be wrong with the German sausage thing.Hi. I'm not trying to be un-helpful here, but I don't really think chiz is a real word. I think that iCarly and Victorious made it up and people just say it to be cool. Sorry to upset you. But I do agree with the other answerer.Hiya Chiz is said to be a german sausage but I cheaked on a translator and it is not! It is made up but I say it for FUN!
Like he said - Puberty. It was a bit weird how it suddenly changed.
they did in 'i think they kissed.'EDIT: They did not say "crap". They said "crab". Even look at DanWarp's fun facts for the episode. DanWarp isn't gonna lie about an episode of iCarly, given the fact that he is the creator.
Yes icarly is very intelligent
There is no email for Sam on iCarly.
it has many meanings, some of which are...dirty. Lol
A hobnocker is someone that does something illegal and gross (not to be confused with "hobnobber," which is a cool and awesome geek)
a word that was said in ICarly a telivition show
On icarly, Sam said the word to him, and David said that Wade Collins called him that on America Sings. --- Lol David didn't make up the word hobknocker. The writers of iCarly did.
Because it is a very insulting word and can cause major issues.
yes yes it is
Because it is
go away hobnoker
ICarly: Carly said she didn't know what a hobnocker was. Sam whispered what it was in her ear. (a hobnocker is someone who walks in a restaurant naked while DOING IT with his/her hand) Carly said "EWW GROSS!!!" and Sam said "And illegal." And it IS true. I looked up "hobnocker" and that is what it said. AND it is gross and it really IS illegal
It said, "Pee on Eddie."
It said that in tiger beat
her icarly episodes outfits are from the icarly wardrobe,she said it in 1 piper's picks interview