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It was never one particular person, they all said good-night to each other.

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Q: Who said the line good night John Boy on The Waltons?
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What was the good night line in the Waltons?

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The line that separates the day and night is called the "TERMINATOR". it is a grey moving line

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Good night and thanks again. Good morning Dr appointment at the increase.

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The line is from the movie "Independence Day", spoken by the President of the United States in preparation for the final battle with the aliens. The line pays homage to the poem by Dylan Thomas, "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night", which describes the struggle of the aged against the onset of blindness.

What are words they used that ment night in Shakespeare's midsummer night's dream?

Shakespeare wrote in English. What is the word that means "night" in English? It's "night". Shakespeare uses it 43 times in the play, not counting the title, from the second line in the play ("And then the moon, like to a silver bow, new bent in heaven shall behold the night of our solemnities") to the last line in the play ("And so, good night unto you all. Give me your hands, if we be friends, and Robin shall restore amends.") The line that uses it the most is Bottom's "Oh, grim-looked night, oh night with hue so black, oh night which ever art when day is not; Oh, night! Oh, night! Alack! Alack! Alack!")

What is the line between day and night called?

The line between day and night is called the terminator or twilight zone. It represents the boundary where sunlight transitions into darkness as the Earth rotates on its axis.