In 1965, when Days of our Lives first debuted, Ed Prentiss first said, 'Like sands through the hourglass so are the Days of our Lives.' Then in the 1970s through the 1980s, Macdonald Carey (Dr. Tom Horton) said 'Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Days of our Lives' until his death in 1994. Over the years in the 1990s through today, a tribute of Macdonald Carey, said the same opening line, and will continue until 2009.
Kwoli"Quileute" comes from their word for wolf,.... KwoliQuileute means wolf
Yes he is. Sesshomaru is a very powerful demon. he even surpassed his father who is said to be one of the most powerful demon in the Inuyasha world. and it is said that when it comes to raw power no one can beat Sesshomaru.
Richard carpenter's net worth?that's easy.he is priceless.he gave us the closest thing to perfection in any music ever produced.he has been missing far to long.i know he's said he'll never partner again,but we need him.god has the most amazing future waiting for him.
Yes, and no. he is bisexual. last year he said on his twitter account that "although I love coco, and I choose to be straight, I could go either way if I was not married, and if the right person comes around" he later said he was joking , but you be the judge?
ABBA said this :)
theodore roosevelt
W.B. Yates
his is not correct. Jesus said that no one comes to the father but through me.
It is said by Greek Philosopher Aristotle.
bc i said so
In terms of exercise, a repetition is one complete movement of an exercise. For example, one push-up or one bicep curl. In terms of language, repetition is the act of repeating something that has already been said or written.
The action of restating something that has already been said or written
Dr King was for Non-violence he said you cannot achieve peace through violence neither can you achieve perfection through self- hypnosis. Also he talked about racial equality and harmony between Caucasian and African-Americans.
This probably comes closest to the wording in your question:John 14:6 - Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
My preacher said mature, bear fruit (as in a tree). It's translated in the bible as perfection, unfortunately.