Yes he is. Sesshomaru is a very powerful demon. he even surpassed his father who is said to be one of the most powerful demon in the Inuyasha world. and it is said that when it comes to raw power no one can beat Sesshomaru.
Yes Sesshomaru has fangs. He like his brother, has fangs when a dog-demon or when plain demon. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru have fangs.
Sessshomaru is better than Inuyasha. one he is more older, two more powerful, and three more skilled with swords. Inuyasha has never truly defeated Sesshomaru, the first time he defeated was out of dumb luck, but mainly because of Kagome was able to get the sword out of the spot from where it was stuck at. and it is because of Kagome that he was able to activate the sword and cut Sesshomaru left arm off. and Sesshomaru could of killed him awhole bunch of times through the series but didn't. and later in the manga Sesshomaru got Bakusaiga his signature weapon. The Bakusaiga manifested itself in the hand of Sesshomaru's fully regenerated, and longtime-severed, left arm during his battle with Magatsuhi. this sword has the power to decompose any organic material that its blade comes in contact with, and nullifying any regenerative abilities thereafter. its effects are extensive as Miroku comments that Naraku would suffer the same affliction should he absorb any demon wounded by Bakusaiga. the blade itself is the manifestation of Sesshomaru's own true power, born from his detachment of InuYasha's Tessaiga. its birth signifies Sesshomaru's graduation into a full-fledged greatyōkai, which was long compromised by his obsession with Tessaiga. Totosai comments that his ability to manifest his own blade suggests his strength has surpassed that of his father's who is said to be one of the most powerful demons in the inuyasha world and connotes his growth through the many trials he endured to emerge as a greatyōkai, with the Bakusaiga serving as the product of this 'rite of passage'.much like the Tessaiga's Wind scar, the Bakusaiga can also unleash massively powerful amounts of yōki, enough to slay thousands of demons with one swing. though similar, Rumiko stated that Bakusaiga's wave attack, which is similar to the Wind scar, possesses greater power than a full power Backlash wave from Tessaiga. and when it comes to raw power no one can beat him. im sorry i wrote to much and said and so many times it's just that i love Lord Sesshomaru and no one can beat him no one.B:yes i agree that sesshoumaru is more powerful then inuyasha and i believe his bakusaiga too... well if inuyasha receives even a tiniest scratch from that sword, he's done for, because of its spreading destructive ability...AKH: Now as much as I love both Inuyasha (which thanks to reading so many fanfictions about either Kagome and Sesshomaru, or Kagome with Kurama/Youko I think I've come to dislike him quite a bit...about 99.9% to be more precise) and Sesshomaru (I believe I love Sesshomaru more though) I have to agree with the two people who answered before me Sesshomaru is indeed better than Inuyasha will (in my opinion) ever be.
they fight each other because inuyasha is a half-demon and sesshomaru hates him because inutashio,their father,left the tetsaiga to inuyasha and the tensaiga to sesshomaru.the tetsaiga has the power to kill 100 demons with a single stroke, the kind of power sesshomaru desires to help him concor the world.inutashio left inuyasha the tetsaiga and sesshomaru the tensaiga so it would be futile for them to fight one another.sesshomaru wanted to battle his father more than anything so he would be stronger than the greatest demon,but the night inutashio died was the night when inuyashas mother gave birth to inuyasha.inutashio died trying to give inuyasha and his mother a chance to escape while he fought takimaru of can also watch the 3rd movie swords of an honorable ruler.
Sesshomaru's age is never specified, but we do know that he is already several hundreds of years older than Inuyasha, who is at least 250 years old (50 of those years were spent while he was stuck to the Tree of Ages in the first episode). So it can be assumed that Sesshomaru is at least 500 years old.
yes. Sesshomaru hugged Rin in the manga after she died when they went to hell to strengthen Tensaiga. And Sesshomaru's mother brought Rin back to life, when she saw Sesshomaru was sad and even crying, well technically Jaken cried for him. but you get the point. since Sesshomaru already used Tensaiga on Rin. he couldn't bring her back. he even said what's the point of strengthening Tensaiga if it cost Rin her life. i know all you needed was a yes or a no. but i just wanted to to tell you why.
its between InuYasha or his brother sesshomaru.........its pretty hard to determine because inuyasha has obtained the miedo zangetsuhu technique, and sesshomaru has his new sword bakusaiga which is a sword made from his own fang. i kinda think sesshomaru is stonger though because he now has 2 arms again and bakusaiga has more power than tetsaiga
He's in more than one volume of the Inuyasha manga and the anime. This question is going to have to be a little more specific
Yes Sesshomaru has fangs. He like his brother, has fangs when a dog-demon or when plain demon. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru have fangs.
"Better" is a subjective term. Inuyasha repeatedly demonstrates a greater willingness to learn, which is what enables him to beat his more experienced, older, full-demon half-brother in several battles. Furthermore, he showed an earlier earnestness to fit in or at least understand humans, something that Sesshomaru repeatedly and stubbornly resists, almost until the very end of the series.However, because the perspective of the Inuyasha series is, as the title implies, from Inuyasha and Kagome's points of view, we really have no way to see in which ways Sesshomaru might be "better" than Inuyasha, because he is not a main character.
Sessshomaru is better than Inuyasha. one he is more older, two more powerful, and three more skilled with swords. Inuyasha has never truly defeated Sesshomaru, the first time he defeated was out of dumb luck, but mainly because of Kagome was able to get the sword out of the spot from where it was stuck at. and it is because of Kagome that he was able to activate the sword and cut Sesshomaru left arm off. and Sesshomaru could of killed him awhole bunch of times through the series but didn't. and later in the manga Sesshomaru got Bakusaiga his signature weapon. The Bakusaiga manifested itself in the hand of Sesshomaru's fully regenerated, and longtime-severed, left arm during his battle with Magatsuhi. this sword has the power to decompose any organic material that its blade comes in contact with, and nullifying any regenerative abilities thereafter. its effects are extensive as Miroku comments that Naraku would suffer the same affliction should he absorb any demon wounded by Bakusaiga. the blade itself is the manifestation of Sesshomaru's own true power, born from his detachment of InuYasha's Tessaiga. its birth signifies Sesshomaru's graduation into a full-fledged greatyōkai, which was long compromised by his obsession with Tessaiga. Totosai comments that his ability to manifest his own blade suggests his strength has surpassed that of his father's who is said to be one of the most powerful demons in the inuyasha world and connotes his growth through the many trials he endured to emerge as a greatyōkai, with the Bakusaiga serving as the product of this 'rite of passage'.much like the Tessaiga's Wind scar, the Bakusaiga can also unleash massively powerful amounts of yōki, enough to slay thousands of demons with one swing. though similar, Rumiko stated that Bakusaiga's wave attack, which is similar to the Wind scar, possesses greater power than a full power Backlash wave from Tessaiga. and when it comes to raw power no one can beat him. im sorry i wrote to much and said and so many times it's just that i love Lord Sesshomaru and no one can beat him no one.B:yes i agree that sesshoumaru is more powerful then inuyasha and i believe his bakusaiga too... well if inuyasha receives even a tiniest scratch from that sword, he's done for, because of its spreading destructive ability...AKH: Now as much as I love both Inuyasha (which thanks to reading so many fanfictions about either Kagome and Sesshomaru, or Kagome with Kurama/Youko I think I've come to dislike him quite a bit...about 99.9% to be more precise) and Sesshomaru (I believe I love Sesshomaru more though) I have to agree with the two people who answered before me Sesshomaru is indeed better than Inuyasha will (in my opinion) ever be.
they fight each other because inuyasha is a half-demon and sesshomaru hates him because inutashio,their father,left the tetsaiga to inuyasha and the tensaiga to sesshomaru.the tetsaiga has the power to kill 100 demons with a single stroke, the kind of power sesshomaru desires to help him concor the world.inutashio left inuyasha the tetsaiga and sesshomaru the tensaiga so it would be futile for them to fight one another.sesshomaru wanted to battle his father more than anything so he would be stronger than the greatest demon,but the night inutashio died was the night when inuyashas mother gave birth to inuyasha.inutashio died trying to give inuyasha and his mother a chance to escape while he fought takimaru of can also watch the 3rd movie swords of an honorable ruler.
In the anime series "Inuyasha," the relationship between Sesshomaru and Rin is more of a mentor or father figure. Their bond is based on mutual respect and admiration rather than romantic love. The series does not show them married.
"Oniisan" means "older brother," so when Kagome calls Sesshomaru Oniisan, she is showing respect since he is older and it a Japanese culture to call male older than you - young adult. It could also be used for hinting that she and Inuyasha could get married, making Sesshomaru her brother-in-law.
Sesshomaru's age is never specified, but we do know that he is already several hundreds of years older than Inuyasha, who is at least 250 years old (50 of those years were spent while he was stuck to the Tree of Ages in the first episode). So it can be assumed that Sesshomaru is at least 500 years old.
i think it is because inuyashas dad wanted him to become as strong as sesshomaru(thats my opinina) InuYasha's father had a devoting love for Human's. When InuYasha's mother was pregnant, he chose a tomb in which his body would be when he died, and he chose to hide it inside InuYasha. The reason his dad gave InuYasha the tomb and the tettsuiga is because he wanted somebody who would fit it better. His father designed a different sword for his eldest son, Sesshomaru, so InuYasha got the tettsuiga. InuYasha became more like his father than people noticed. Like his dad, he also loved Human's, which was the reason he could use the tettsuiga, and when InuYasha learned to be nice to them, and love them, he would be allowed to withdraw it. Since that never really happened, a human themselves (Kagome) was allowed to draw out the sword because of InuYasha's father's love for humans. It's a long story, but the reason Inu was allowed the tettsuiga was because his dad loved his mother, and it was his love for humans (since Inu IS half-human) that made him able to wield the tettsuiga.
Your question doesn't make any sense at all. First of al Inuyasha was born a half-demon so how can he turn into a half-demon if he's already one. And second InuYasha has transformed into a full blooded demon more than once (but each time he does he begins to lose more and more of himself) and eventually it may/will come to the point where Inuyasha won't be able to tell 'friends from foes' and start to attack his friends too. (And this only happens when his life is in danger that's why Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's Father entrusted Tetsaiga to Inuyasha and Tensegia to Sesshomaru). And during the Night of the New Moon Inuyasha loses his demon traits and becomes human for the night.
yes. Sesshomaru hugged Rin in the manga after she died when they went to hell to strengthen Tensaiga. And Sesshomaru's mother brought Rin back to life, when she saw Sesshomaru was sad and even crying, well technically Jaken cried for him. but you get the point. since Sesshomaru already used Tensaiga on Rin. he couldn't bring her back. he even said what's the point of strengthening Tensaiga if it cost Rin her life. i know all you needed was a yes or a no. but i just wanted to to tell you why.