In 'The Tribe' amber(blond known as a natural born leader) is played by Beth Allen.
Amber Lee Bartlett plays Jenna in the film Slither.
Amber Marshall plays Amy Fleming on the hit TV adaptation of Lauren Brookes books Heartland
Amber Riley plays Mercedes Jones on Glee.
Shanica Knowles.
Depends what season you want. In the first season she is always there. In the second never cause she dies. Third season around the 8th episode she comes back as Eagle. I don't know the rest. Just google it. You will find it.
Amber went to the eco tribe that's where she met pride and they are now mall rats and pride is with may and amber is pregnant!
Amber doesn't die in The tribe. She is just injured in an explosion. Ebony helps her out and carries her to saftey. When Amber faints Ebony decides to take advantage of it and pushes her down a hill becaus eshe secretly is in love with bray. Ebony then lies to Bray and the rest of the mallrats and says that Amber is dead. When really Amber was rescued by another tribe.
Amber Strutt <3 xx
In the first episodes of season 4
Amber Lee Bartlett plays Jenna in the film Slither.
Amber Riley
Amber Riley
Amber Beattie plays Gretel.
Amber Marshall plays Amy Fleming on the hit TV adaptation of Lauren Brookes books Heartland
In the television show, Amber Dhara, Kashmira Irani plays Amber and Sulagna Panigrahi plays Dhara. There were 124 total episodes.
Adrienne Frantz