Hawkeye Pierce was played by Alan Alda in the TV series, and by Donald Sutherland in the original movie.
Alan Alda played Hawkeye from the mash series. He also directed some of the later episodes.
Donald Sutherland played Benjamin "Hawkeye" Pierce in the Movie "MASH" Alan Alda played Hawkeye in the TV series.
Alan Alda played Hawkeye Pierce in the tv series, in the film the role was played was Donald Sutherland.
On the TV show, it was Alan Alda. In the movie, it was Donald Sutherland.
Alan Alda played Hawkeye from the mash series. He also directed some of the later episodes.
Donald Sutherland played Hawkeye in the movie.
Donald Sutherland played Benjamin "Hawkeye" Pierce in the Movie "MASH" Alan Alda played Hawkeye in the TV series.
In MASH-THE MOVIE(1970), Dr. Benjamin "Hawkeye" Pierce was portrayed by Donald Sutherland. In MASH-(1972-1983) , Hawkeye Pierce was portrayed by Alan Alda.
The name was "Hawkeye" and it was Alan Alda
Alan Alda played Hawkeye Pierce in the tv series, in the film the role was played was Donald Sutherland.
On the TV show, it was Alan Alda. In the movie, it was Donald Sutherland.
No, it was Allan Alda, not Alldan Alder. Alda played Hawkeye (Captain Benjamin "Hawkeye" Pierce) in M*A*S*H.
Alan Alda (Hawkeye) and Loretta Swift (Hot Lips) are two, but there are more.
Hawkeye from where? MASH? Marvel comics? Please be more specific when asking such questions.
basically all the main mash characters like hotlips,hawkeye,radar