Alan Alda (Hawkeye) and Loretta Swift (Hot Lips) are two, but there are more.
Yes, it is.
Alan Alda played Hawkeye from the mash series. He also directed some of the later episodes.
Donald Sutherland played Benjamin "Hawkeye" Pierce in the Movie "MASH" Alan Alda played Hawkeye in the TV series.
Most of the cast are still acting, although many have passed on and most of them are in there 80s and 90s, they still are remembered and recognized for their work in Mash.
Harry Morgan
William Christopher played Father Mulcahy in MASH.
Yes, it is.
Alan Alda played Hawkeye from the mash series. He also directed some of the later episodes.
Radar played drums on one episode of MASH.
Donald Sutherland played Benjamin "Hawkeye" Pierce in the Movie "MASH" Alan Alda played Hawkeye in the TV series.
Most of the cast are still acting, although many have passed on and most of them are in there 80s and 90s, they still are remembered and recognized for their work in MASH.
Consuming a mash that is still bubbling after 2 weeks is not safe. The bubbling indicates that fermentation is still occurring, which means there may be harmful bacteria or toxins present in the mash. It is best to wait until the bubbling stops and the mash is no longer actively fermenting before consuming it.
MAS*H is a TV show that ended in 1983, so it is difficult to determine how many people from the show are still living. Some cast members are still alive, such as Alan Alda and Loretta Swit, but others have passed away.
Jamie Farr.
Harry Morgan played a lawyer named Colonel Sherman T. Potter in the TV series MASH.
Most of the cast are still acting, although many have passed on and most of them are in there 80s and 90s, they still are remembered and recognized for their work in Mash.
it is still called mashed kwano