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In the original in 1968 Ulla was played by Lee Meredith; in the remake in 2005 Ulla was played by Uma Thurman.

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Q: Who played Ulla in the movie The Producers?
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What was Lee Meridith's role in the Producers of 1968?

Her role was Ulla, Max Bialystock's "toy".

What movie and television projects has Ulla Eklund been in?

Ulla Eklund has: Played Kleo in "Lysistrate" in 1963. Played Elina Koskela in "Akseli ja Elina" in 1970. Played Irma Marttila in "Koivuharju" in 1976. Played Irene in "Kotikatu" in 1995. Played Lene Olsson in "Mustan kissan kuja" in 2000.

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Ulla Sallert has: Played Ylva Vendel in "Tappa inte sugen" in 1947. Played Irene Haller in "Resa i natten" in 1955. Played Actress in "Hallo Baby" in 1976. Played Mrs. Kron in "Smugglarkungen" in 1985. Played Hulda in "Nils Karlsson Pyssling" in 1990.

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Ulla Marie Broch has: Played Gun, Ylvas mor in "Skolen" in 2004. Played Lucy in "Linus i Svingen" in 2004. Played Lucy in "Jul i Svingen" in 2006. Played Andrea in "Ulykken" in 2009. Played Pressetalskvinne justisdepartementet in "Mammon" in 2014. Played Kathrine Beck in "Glassdukkene" in 2014.

What movie and television projects has Harald Wehlnor been in?

Harald Wehlnor has: Played Underofficer in "Konstgjorda Svensson" in 1929. Played Wingmark in "Ulla min Ulla" in 1930. Played Smuggler in "Bomans pojke" in 1936. Played Man in "Adolf Armstarke" in 1937. Played Fireman at the Opera in "Soliga Solberg" in 1941. Played A Man in "Himlaspelet" in 1942. Played Drinking man in "Galgmannen" in 1945.

What movie and television projects has Ulla Smidje been in?

Ulla Smidje has: Played Cecilia, the sick girl in "Bara en mor" in 1949. Played Asta in "Medan staden sover" in 1950. Played Mrs. Linde in "Ett dockhem" in 1958. Played The daughter in "Generalskan" in 1962. Played Mother in "Petter kommer igen" in 1963. Performed in "Den gyllene porten" in 1968.

What movie and television projects has Ulla Meinecke been in?

Ulla Meinecke has: Played herself in "III nach neun" in 1974. Played herself in "NDR Talk Show" in 1979. Performed in "Formel Eins" in 1983. Performed in "Reichshauptstadt privat" in 1987. Played herself in "Nachtstudio" in 1997. Played herself in "Volle Kanne" in 1999. Played herself in "Im Palais" in 2004. Played herself in "Leute am Donnerstag" in 2004.

What movie and television projects has Noel Urbano been in?

Noel Urbano has: Played James in "Mama San" in 2002. Played Imaw (2005) in "Encantadia" in 2005. Played Imaw in "Mulawin: The Movie" in 2005. Played Ulla in "Zaido: Pulis pangkalawakan" in 2007. Played Abdon in "Cassandra: Warrior Angel" in 2013.

What movie and television projects has Ulla Koivuranta been in?

Ulla Koivuranta has: Played Nainen terassilla in "Fakta homma" in 1986. Played Pepi in "Linna" in 1986. Played The Drunken Woman in "Harmagedon" in 1986. Played Molla Elo in "Back to the USSR - takaisin Ryssiin" in 1992. Played Lempi in "Aapo" in 1994. Played Irma in "Lipton Cockton in the Shadows of Sodoma" in 1995. Played Salli in "Viisasten kivi" in 1996. Played Hovioikeuden tuomari in "Puolustuksen puheenvuoro" in 2009.

What movie and television projects has Ulla Kivipato been in?

Ulla Kivipato has: Performed in "Lapsuuteni" in 1967. Performed in "Don Juan tulee sodasta" in 1967. Performed in "Sirkus Europa" in 1968. Played Satu Santala, nurse in "Musta Lumikki" in 1971. Performed in "Huumorin koulu" in 1973.

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Edla Rothgardt has: Played Helgumian in "Ingmarsarvet" in 1925. Played A Harp in "Flickan i frack" in 1927. Played Lady in Waiting in "Ulla min Ulla" in 1930. Played Woman at cocktail party in "Brokiga blad" in 1931. Played Lady outside store in "Landskamp" in 1932. Played Old Cleaning Lady in "Blyge Anton" in 1940. Played Older woman in "Soliga Solberg" in 1941. Played Woman in village in "Mans kvinna" in 1945.

When was Ulla Ulla National Reserve created?

Ulla Ulla National Reserve was created in 1972.