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Her name is Laura Jones-Dunn. She is a Los Angeles based actress.

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Q: Who play's jack's wife in the jack in the box ad's?
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I believe it is Gillian Vigman.

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Who is Jack's wife on the Jack in the box commercials with the dog collar?

Well, honey, Jack from Jack in the Box doesn't have a wife in those commercials. That lady with the dog collar is just a quirky character in their ads. So, no need to start planning their anniversary party just yet!

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Who plays Jack in Jack in the Box commercials?

The voice actor for Jack is Dick Sittig (who is also the creative director of the ad firm that does the Jack in the Box ads). He doesn't do the actual in-person acting though (though he does direct the commercials), they just hire random dudes to be in the mask.

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Because a lot of men looking for their wife. Like me, I find my wife on

Why sexual innuendos in Jack-In-The-Box ads?

I though I was the only one that wondered that - still wondering.

Does jack in the box serve kangaroo meat?

No, Jack in the Box does not serve kangaroo meat. Back in the early 1980's, some meat tested at the Jack in the Box receiving center contained kangaroo meat. Jack in the Box claimed that none of this meat made it to their restaurants but the publicity was enough to dampen sales. In response Jack in the Box changed their name to 'Monterey Jacks' as a more upscale (expensive) fast-food restaurant featuring 100% pure beef burgers that were 'seared and seasoned'. Ray Charles did a series of TV and radio commercials promoting the brand. After a few years the Jack in the box name was reinstated along with the addition of the ball-headed mascot 'Jack' that is still used for their ads to this day.

Who sings and plays guitar in 2012 Hyundai holiday ads?

Her name is Jessica Frech.