Master P
Apparently he owns a house in Indy but i think he lives in or outside of L.A. On it says Comedian and Actor Mike Epps owns this home in Indianapolis but lives in Los Angeles. Public records show that it's only assessed at $49,000 so I'm thinking it must be a childhood home that he bought when he got the money since he is from Indianapolis. Makes sense to me I'd do the same thing if i had that kind of money.
The singer of money owns this town appears as the theme song of storage wars. The Genre is Country Rock and the band is called Alabama 3
Eminem has his own studio (Shady Records). His studio is in his house.
Over Forty - Five (45) million records sold...
Birdman and his brother
slimm owns cash money records
Mack Maine is the owner of Young Money. Lil Wayne just endorses them.
Obviously Jay-z cause he owns 2 Records Company's (Rocca Fella Records, Island Def Jams)
he started to sing well rap at age 15 but he caught up wida cash money records at age 12
Capitol Records is a wholly owned subsidiary of EMI.
The patient owns the information; the doctor owns the media or paper.
La Reid
The doctor and the patient.