It seldom is ever just one person who makes a mean comment about weight that forces someone to become anorexic. Often, it takes many comments of some period of time for the person to begin to develop their anorexic tendencies. Usually it is coupled with low self esteem and low body image.
NO, rebbeca black is not jack blacks daughter. What an insult to Jack Black
Nimrod. (Not an insult. It's actually the name of the variation.)
Because people don't see how awesome they are.
Just a Rivalry, no more, no less. Actually in a more detailed explanation , the word "ino" means boar in Japanese so sakura uses the word "pig" as a suffix as supposed to "san" or "Chan" to insult Ino
Tom Milsom say that he is bisexual. If you look at his video GAY is NOT an INSULT! (i think i put the right letters into caps) he mentions that being called gay isn't an insult and around thirty years down the track it wont matter if anyone is gay because we will all be one gender. Those things wont be needed. At least that's what Tom thinks.
The noun 'insult' can function as the subject of a sentence or a clause, and as the object of a verb or a preposition.The pronoun that takes the place of the noun 'insult' is it.Example uses:The insult didn't seem to phase him. (subject of the sentence)You can't predict the response that an insult will produce. (subject of the relative clause)Habitual drinking caused an insult to his liver. (direct object of the verb 'caused')You don't have to respond to an insult. (object of the preposition 'to')The insult was lame. It made me laugh. (the pronoun 'it' takes the place of the noun 'insult' in the second sentence)The word 'insult' is also a verb: insult, insults, insulting, insulted.
it means you are nubby and will never become sucsecful... also can be used as an insult
Romeo initially tries to diffuse the tension caused by the insult, but eventually retaliates and defends his honor by challenging Tybalt to a duel. His reaction is fueled by a mix of his love for Juliet and his pride as a man.
Scout punched Francis in the mouth after hearing him insult Atticus, which caused Francis to cry.
Insult is a noun (an insult) and a verb (to insult).
The word 'insult' is both a noun (insult, insults) and a verb (insult, insults, insulting, insulted).Examples:Look, a two dollar tip. That is an insult. (noun)You can't insult someone with that large an ego. (verb)
The word 'insult' is both a verb (insult, insults, insulting, insulted) and a noun (insult, insults). Example uses: Verb: Don't insult the cashier, she doesn't set the prices. Noun: The insult was not deserved and it hurt their feelings.
It is now, and it has become an insult, but in the past children of unmarried parents had this word printed on their birth certificates.
The opposite of an insult is a compliment.
Insulted is the past participle of insult.
You added insult to injury!I felt like that was an insult to my intelligence.You shouldn't insult other people.