Weren't they created at the same time! If they were'y bubbles might be the younest!
No, they were brought back to life by Him.
Well chemical X doesn't make them any different from anyone else,except for having superpowers.
power puff girls
I don't know but he said that the youngest girl would date shall be fourteen! Liam, Niall and Harry: the youngest girl they would date shall be fourteen The youngest zayn would date: fiftheen The youngest Louis would date: seventeen I hope this will help!:)
Mrs. Poffy Puff
who is that?lol are u talking about the power puff girl?
No.........................well except for power puff football.
Bullseye is a boy.
Because she is the oldest and most mature and smartest
No, they were brought back to life by Him.
The Japanese version of the power puff girls
Youngest GirlThe youngest girl is 10 years old.!!!!!!!!
For a boy Puff,Draco and Drago. for a girl I sujust Magic, puff and cloudy.
well there was a winks before winks club like in 2000 and its the same with the power puff girls there was a power puff girls z but now just power puff girls