Well chemical X doesn't make them any different from anyone else,except for having superpowers.
Butch Jojo is from the powerpuff girls and powerpuff girls z: His first appearance was in the episode The Rowdyruff Boys his dad is Mojo Jojo his brothers are: Brick and Boomer! There goal is to defeat the powerpuff girls
Bulma is pregnant with Trunks before the Cell saga in DBZ. We never see her pregnant.
yes, and she was born a few days ago. Bandit Lee Way. =)
After the androids drain goku\'s power in Dragon Ball Z Kai he returns to his future.
The Japanese version of the power puff girls
well there was a winks before winks club like in 2000 and its the same with the power puff girls there was a power puff girls z but now just power puff girls
It really isn't on anymore but i think it is on in tokyo
Jay z forbes.com
blossom from power puff girls z is 15 i think or maybe 16 years old roably 16 but she has a little sister that annoys her blossom is 16 years old
ppgz/ power puff girls z.
just go to Google.com and go to videos and type in power puff girlz z in English and SOME will apear
Cartoon network has stated that the show will be shown worldwide but it remains unknown. komendosai
jay-z is rich then puff
No, but will do soon as she is pregnant to a baby girl with her husband Jay-Z. The birth will be soon.Farida x
If your speaking of the original "Power Puff Girls" it aired a while ago, back around the time "Ed, Edd, and Eddy" aired. You can still watch it occasionally whenever it comes on Boomerang. I meant the power puff girls z which was a remake of ppg in America but made it an anime
The ones I have heard of are : Bleach , Bakugon, Mew Mew Power / Tokyo Mew Mew , Fullmetal Alchemst , Yu-Gi-Oh! and those spin -offs , Fruit Baskets , Kekkshi , Pokemon , Dragon Ball Z , Power Puff Girls , Power Puff Girls Z I think is the title for that one , Magical Do Re Mi / Ojamio , One Piece , Cowboy BeBop , Ghost in the Shell , Inuashu , Narto , Mermaid Melody , Sailor Moon and it's spin offs , Sonic X .