The Real brothers in WWE are Jeff and Matt Primo and Carlito Undertaker and Kane and i think Shad and JTG
May 2010- Matt and Jeff Hardy are brothers as is Primo and Carlito, Golddust and COdy Rhodes. Kane and Undertaker are NOT related In real life only in storyline and Shad and JTG are not related either in real life not even in storyline.
wwe is real
No, they are not brothers :).
Within WWE Kayfabe, Kane and The Undertaker are infact half-brothers. They have been told to have been born from the same mother, with different fathers respectivately.
wwe isnt real, it is scripted on match's but championship match's ive been a wwe super star for about a year now, i know that wwe is scripted the moves are hard thats why they bleed sometimes the ref drops fake blood on them, but the fact is that WWE might be real?. WWE is scripted. WWE might not be real.WWF is sued no more of that .WWE isnt real AT ALLL
ITS DUPE. not real....
No. The Undertaker and Kane are not real life brothers. They were storyline brothers in the WWE. They were together referred to as "The Brothers of Destruction" and were multiple time Tag team champions. Apart from storyline relationships, they are not related in real life.
Yes. They are real life brothers
in wwe yes in real life no
i think so NO they are not brothers in real life only in storyline
The Hardy Boyz are real Brothers and the Brothers of destruction are half Brother
in "real life" no in wwe they r brothers
They are not only friends in the WWE but also real life brothers
It is like Edge and Christian they are brothers in WWE but in real life no
Yes They are Brothers in real Life Booker Tio Huffman And Lane Steven Huffman.
No it's all a part of the storyline that WWE portrays as real
No, it is not true.The WWE calls them 'brothers' as part of a storyline that they ( WWE ) have created.
In WWE they are known as brothers but in real live they have no relationshpi with eachother