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ITS DUPE. not real....

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Q: Is wwe real or dupe
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Is the WWE fake or real?

wwe is real

How do you dupe on RuneScape?

It is impossible to dupe in runescape.

Does WWE have real fighting?

yes wwe is real but matches are allredy fixed

Is the chairshots in WWE real?

no . WWE is fixed.

How do you dupe items on yanillescape?

I dupe by going to the wildy and i press control alt del sadly it does not dupe rares

Is WWE wrestling fake or real?

WWE is sometimes real but most of the time it is fake

Is WWE fake or real with the proof?

wwe isnt real, it is scripted on match's but championship match's ive been a wwe super star for about a year now, i know that wwe is scripted the moves are hard thats why they bleed sometimes the ref drops fake blood on them, but the fact is that WWE might be real?. WWE is scripted. WWE might not be real.WWF is sued no more of that .WWE isnt real AT ALLL

How do you dupe in rsps heaven?

yes i believe you can dupe of thus server there are a phew ways to dupe items money ect you can use cheat engine dupe range dupe mage dupe monster dupe ::yell dupe or bank dupe there are many ways to do this glitch i will be starting this server when i can figure out how 2 get on it because my friend has just started my name will be sm0k3 m3 so add me and if im on pm me and we can test these methods also if it is a very up to date server most servers like this will have patches for the dupes.

Is WWE real or just acting?

WWE(world wrestling entertainment) is just acting not real.

Can you make me a WWE wrestler in real life not in WWE games real life wrestling?


Can anyone tell what are the WWE superstars real jobs?

The wwe superstars real jobs are wrestling.

Is punch real on WWE?

Yes They are real