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Nino and the Ebb Tides recorded a version of this in 1999. It was included on the album "Those Oldies But Goodies" All of the other cuts were recorded from 1957 to 1965 except Wonderful Tonight which was recorded at the time of the albums release. On the album jacket authorship of the song is credited to E. Clapton, Slow hand music, Inc. It is a gorgeous version and clearly a higher quality recording than their early '50's and '60's songs. So, it appears that Eric Clapton both wrote and first sang the song but maybe did not have the most beautiful version.

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Jim Rosamilia

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5y ago
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14y ago

It talks about the singer going to a party with his beautiful lady and that he is having a good time and that is why the title is ''Wonderful Tonight''.

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13y ago

Nino & The Ebb Tides (50's)

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