Herman's Hermits
The song 'It's a Wonderful Life' is by the band Sparklehorse.
The song was written in 1967 by Bob Theile and George David Weiss and was song by Louis Armstrong in 1968.
Because He/She SINGS a song not Songs a song.... So Singer.
Most people say it is Valerie Carter - a wonderful singer that has toured with Jackson and with James Taylor. The song "Valerie" by Steve Winwood is also written for her. She wrote "Love Needs a Heart" with Lowell George and Jackson.
Paul McCartney
Paul McCartney
Brenda Janz is the background singer here. Wonderful singer with her own album out now.
That isn't even a real song
Singer & Song writer
what a wonderful world
I assume you mean, the song with "i see trees of green, red roses too, and i think to myself what a wonderful world", that song is titled "What a Wonderful World"
Peter Murphy...Lead singer of Bauhaus...he is a wonderful singer! It's the John Lennon song "Instant Karma"
If you mean "What a wonderful world", no he did not record that song or performed it in a concert.
Just a random cat.
I think it might be Wonderful World by James Morrison.
It was the Columbian singer Shakira.