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Q: Who is the husband in the yoplait commercials?
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Related questions

Who is the actor in the yoplait light commercial?

There have been numerous actors and actresses in the Yoplait Light commercials over the years. A couple of the actors were Sarah Kozinn and Lisa Kudrow.

Does Emily tarver star in one of the latest yoplait yogurt commercials?

Yes, edited/pulled due to protest by fatties.

Who is the blonde actress with short hair from the yoplait greek commercial?

Jamie Lee Curtis No, Jamie Lee Curtis is in Activia commercials.

Who is the acreess that plays the wife on the yoplait commercial with the husband looking in the refrigarator?

Her name is Andrea Rosen.

Who is the actor on the Yoplait commercial that plays the husband looking in the refrigerator when the wife is saying I had apple pie etc?

Will Bozarth

What yoplait yogurt is in a blue packet?

There are 16 types of Yoplait yogurt. There are 3 types of Yoplait yogurt that has blue packaging. The three yogurts in the blue packaging are, Yoplait Light, Yoplait Greek 100, and Yoplait Simply Go Gurt.

When was Yoplait created?

Yoplait was created in 1965.

Who is dark haired actress for progressive tv ads?

The actress that plays Rachel in the funny Progressive commercials is Melanie Paxson. Melanie has also done commercials for Yoplait Light and Dayquil.

Does yoplait light have fruit chunks in it?

Yes it does. Yoplait regular and Yoplait light have chunks. Yoplait Thick & Creamy and Yoplait Thick & Creamy Light do NOT have any chunks. Beware though, because it can be difficult to tell the difference between Yoplait Light and Yoplait Thick & Creamy Light. Make sure you check the container well before you buy.

What does yoplait mean?

Yoplait is a tradename for various yogurt products.

Where do the ingredients from yoplait come from?

What kind of gelatin is used in the making of yoplait?

What are the benefits of yoplait light?

Yoplait light is a low fat yogurt. It contains less fat that normal Yoplait yogurt as well as other low fat brands of yogurt. The main benefits of Yoplait light have to do with its lower fat content.