The actress that plays Rachel in the funny Progressive commercials is Melanie Paxson. Melanie has also done commercials for Yoplait Light and Dayquil.
Yeah, who is that actress?
The actress in the Room Store TV ads is Kristen Swanson. She is not well known but works in commercial ad TV.
Don't know, but she is cite
The curly hair, hairy actor is Chad Ridgeway.
anna crilly
That is actress Stephanie Courtney
Dawn French
Yeah, who is that actress?
You're probably thinking of Christian Haren
Flo is a fictional character played by actress Stephanie Courtney in commercials for Progressive Insurance. She is portrayed as an enthusiastic and quirky salesperson, known for her distinctive retro hairstyle and white apron.
The actress in the Room Store TV ads is Kristen Swanson. She is not well known but works in commercial ad TV.
Mexican actress Ana de la Reguera
Jane Badler
Kate Walsh
The actress is Gillian Brashear
Galaxy has not released a list of models from their ads. At present time the model in their chocolate ads name is unknown.
Ryan Karels and Jason Brandt Harris