His paternal grandfather was Abraham, while his maternal grandfather was a man named Bethuel (who was also Abraham's nephew).
Eupherium Black or something.
Jacob Ephraim Black is what Stephanie Meyer gave him. He is named after his great grandfather Ephraim Black who was the last werewolf pack leader.
Team jacob <333333333333333333333333333333 team jacob <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 jacob jacob jacob team jacob <333333333333333333333333333333333333333
no!. its tsunade grandfather
Paternal Grandfather - Joe Flacco Maternal Grandfather - Tom Madden
Jacob who?
Jacob black's great-grandfather's name is ephraim black
Terah was Jacob's great grandfather. Jacob's father was Isaac, Isaac's father was Abraham, and Abraham's father was Terah
Abraham - Isaac - Jacob/Israel - Joseph was the 11 th son. Joseph's grandfather was Isaac and great grandfather was Abraham.
Abraham was the grandfather. Isaac was the son. He was seventy-five when his father died.Jacob was the grandson. He was 15 when his grandfather died.See also the Related Link.More about Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
Eupherium Black or something.
No, Isaac was Jacob's father, Abraham was Isaac's father, so he was Jacob's grandfather.
In Twilight, Jacob Black's great great grandfather is Ephraim Black, who signed a treaty with the Cullens saying that neither can hunt on the others land. -Mrs.Cullen456
Jacob Black's official full name is Jacob Ephiriam Black. His middle name was the same name of his grandfather, Ephiriam Black.
Neither Job's grandfather or father are mentioned in the Bible. --------------------- Job's grandfather was Jacob and his grandmother was Leah. (Gen 29:23, Gen 30:18 and Gen 46:13).
Levi son of Jacob (Exodus ch.6).
There were only three in his pack. Himself (Jacob's great-grandfather), Levi Uley (Sam's great-grandfather) and Quil Ateara Sr (Quil's grandfather).