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Terry Thomas. Absolute classic!

... "oh hello" line around 0:23


Richard Cripps

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Q: Who is the british actor famous for saying 'oh hello'?
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'Hullo' is not an incorrect form of 'hello'. It is merely a different way of saying it. 'Hallo' 'hullo' 'hello' are all correct, but different ways of saying 'hello'. Each form mainly refers to the different regional accents of the British Isles where the greeting became popular.

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The answer is Lady Gaga why ? Because she is a pop star and a singer but Hello kitty is just a TV actor that why xxx

How do british people say hello?

it's exactly the same. American English and British English are the same language, apart from favor to favour and color to colour. My spell cheack says the British versions are wrong. Ignore it! :D Hope this helps ~Happypieman~

How do you said hello?

by saying hola, bonjour, or hello x

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1. Sun Ming Ming- famous basketball player. 2. Jackie Chan - famous actor

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