When Yammy isn't in his released form, Ulquiorra is stronger because he is the Cuarta Espada (the 4th Espada) and Yammy is the Decima Espada (the 10th Espada). But when Yammy is in his released form, he becomes the Ciero Espada (the Zero Espada) and that makes him stronger than Ulquiorra. - Sukineko
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Ulquiorra Schiffer is Espada # 4
Ulquiorra releases his sword in 269 and he goes into his resurrection in episode 270
~Spoiler!~ Ichigo.
ulquiorra have a heart but he din't know it.. he claim that he doesn't believe in human emotion, which he refers as the "heart". reasoning that if his eye cannot see them, then they do not exist... and In the last seconds of his life, he seems finally found his own "heart" and understand feelings.. which also connect to his aspect of death as an espada, emptiness.
in spanish its pronounced El-Que-Llora meaning "he who weeps" which explains the stains under his eyes
Maybe Ulquiorra released, Murus Hierago or Yammy?
Ulquiorra definately. Grimmjow rank #6 Ulquiorra rank #4 Plus ichigo first beat grimmjow if grimmjow actually was stronger than ulquiorra then after he beat grimmjow, the stronger of the two he wouldve mopped the floor with ulquiorra :)
yammy-komamura stark-shunsui barragan-yamamoto halibel-hitsugaya ulquiorra-ichigo nnoitra-kenpachi grimmjow-ichigo zommari-byakuya szayel-mayuri aaroniere-rukia
There are ten espada, #1 is Stark, #2 is Barraggan,#3 is Hallibel, #4 is Ulquiorra, #5 is Nntora, #6 is Grimjow, #7 is zommari, #8 is Granz #9 is Aaronerro, and #10 is Yammy.
1st is Coyote Starrk. 2nd is Barragan Luisenbarn. 3rd is Tia Harribel. 4th is Ulquiorra Sciffer. 5th is Nnoitra Jiruga. 6th is Grimmjow Jaggerjack. 7th is Zommari Lerroux. 8th is Szayel Aporro Granz. 9th is Aaroniero Arruruerie. 10th is Yammy Riyalgo. Yammy Riyalgo is the strongest when he releases.
I'll guess that Yammy tried to smash Orihime while Ichigo was fighting Ulquiorra and was going to interfere, but Uryu sets a land mine that Mayuri designed. He falls downs several floors, where Rukia is. After the fall Uyru was easily able to overpower Yammy and defeats him, then leaves to take Orihime to Ichigo (skipping all that). Then while Rukia, Chad, and Renji were fighting the one arrancar assassin leader, he freezes, and Yammy destroys him, which he grew greatly. Then releases his zanpakato, burning the 1, and revealing the fact after he releases, the numbers go from 1-10, to 0-9, making him the most powerful of the espada. The 3 are overpowered by Yammy. After this, Ichigo (who finished his battle, Ulquiorra killed by him, then Orihime's cry brought him back as a complete hollow and easily overpowered him. This was NOT his hollow self exactly, because he wanted to protect Orihime still) Uyru was with him. But even so, Ichigo using his hollow mask and Uryu were overpowered by yammy (Ichigo's mask vanished after 5 minutes, which still wasn't enough) Then Byakuya and Kenpachi came, and were even matched. Then finally, Mayuri came in, and Byakuya had to hold yammy down, and Mayuri had to use bankai, Ichigo used Getsuga Tenshou, Chad and Uyru and Rukia and Renji used full force as well and completely disabled Yammy. Yammy was defeated, it shows that Nel revert back to her adult self and released her zanpakuto, and she had fought him. They were near evenly matched, until she ran behind him and stabbed him in the shoulder, then the head.
Most would cosider him to be veryy strong and increasingly so (as is typical of the hero in shounen manga). One example of his strength would be that he was able to beat Kenpachi Zaraki in "SHIKAI" form. Another example is that he defeated most of the Espada, including Grimmjow and went on to save Orihime. His zanpakuto abilities are: Shikai Bankai Getsuga Tenshou Hollow Mask He also has his almost full hollow form and his STRONGEST form is his full hollow espada form. That's the form he killed Ulquiorra with.
Doubt it but i wish cuz i really like Ulquiorra
Ulquiorra Schiffer is Espada # 4
just go here and you can find all the information about the espada... http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Espada#Current_Espada It would be simple if you did this. 9. Aaroniero Arruruerie 8. Szayel Apporo Granz 7. Zommari Leroux 6. Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez 5. Nnoitra Jiruga 4. Ulquiorra Cifer 3. Tia Halibel 2.Barragan Luisenbarn 1.Coyote Starrk/Lilynette 0.Yammy Riyalgo Yammy apears to be number 10 but when he goes into resureccion hes 0.
Ulquiorra releases his sword in 269 and he goes into his resurrection in episode 270