ulquiorra have a heart but he din't know it..
he claim that he doesn't believe in human emotion, which he refers as the "heart". reasoning that if his eye cannot see them, then they do not exist...
and In the last seconds of his life, he seems finally found his own "heart" and understand feelings.. which also connect to his aspect of death as an espada, emptiness.
Ulquiorra Schiffer is Espada # 4
Ulquiorra releases his sword in 269 and he goes into his resurrection in episode 270
When Yammy isn't in his released form, Ulquiorra is stronger because he is the Cuarta Espada (the 4th Espada) and Yammy is the Decima Espada (the 10th Espada). But when Yammy is in his released form, he becomes the Ciero Espada (the Zero Espada) and that makes him stronger than Ulquiorra. - Sukineko
~Spoiler!~ Ichigo.
in spanish its pronounced El-Que-Llora meaning "he who weeps" which explains the stains under his eyes
Doubt it but i wish cuz i really like Ulquiorra
Ulquiorra Schiffer is Espada # 4
Ulquiorra releases his sword in 269 and he goes into his resurrection in episode 270
Ulquiorra definately. Grimmjow rank #6 Ulquiorra rank #4 Plus ichigo first beat grimmjow if grimmjow actually was stronger than ulquiorra then after he beat grimmjow, the stronger of the two he wouldve mopped the floor with ulquiorra :)
Ulquiorra Cifer hold the 4th Espada rank in Sosuke Aizen 's army
No, mainly because 1.) Ulquiorra is emotionless until he dies, then he realizes he has a heart. But not twards Orihime. 2.) Ulquiorra is only protecting orahime from her friends is because Aizen told Ulquiorra to watch her. Now what kind of order would be given to Ulquiorra if he failed a simple task by Aizen to watch someone? Ulquiorra is simply watching her until Aizen uses her powers. 3.) If Ulquiorra liked Orihime so much, why would he kill her if Aizen said to? That's not a good boyfriend to me. Besides, Ulquiorra said himself if Aizen gave the order, he would kill her himself. So no....he dosent love nor does he like Orihime. ______________________ Ulquiorra was not emotionless. Nowhere in Bleach did it ever say that Ulquiorra lacked emotion. He was a nihilist, but not without emotion. Nor did he ever say that he would kill Orihime if Aizen told him to. On the contrary, he still initiated a fight with Ichigo after Aizen confirmed that she was no longer valuable to him and her friends could take her. From one side, Ulquiorra seemed very methodical and loyal to Aizen, in reality his actions constantly contradicted what he said ranging from his long winded (and unnecessary) talks with Orihime to his final show-down with Ichigo that Aizen never ordered in the first place. Finally finding his heart in Orihime's hand is confirmation that, in the very least, Ulquiorra was fascinated with her.
Ulquiorra has killed Ichigo twice but once he was healed and the other time his hollow came out to kill Ulquiorra.
Ulquiorra Schiffer
Yes, he does! :)
Ulquiorra fades away in Episode '272. Ichigo vs. Ulquiorra, Conclusion!'
Ichigo kills Ulquiorra while in Hueco Mundo, during Ulquiorra's death, He looks at Orihime and asked her if she is afraid of him, Orihime, with a saddened expression, tells him she is not afraid, and Ulquiorra reaches his hand out to her, but before she can grab it, his hand begins to dissolve into ash. He gets killed by Ichigo, who turns into a Hollow to protect Orihime.