I think Sam is stronger, because first of all he is bigger and the breaking dawn part 1 movie made me think that Sam didn't disagree with Jacob anymore cause' he thinks he is his family.
his new pack is sam, quil, paul, and Jared
well of course Bella is. and then there is Sam, Quil, Embry, and Seth.
It was Peter Hale, Derrek Hale's uncle, but when he was killed by Derrek with the help of Allison, Jackson, Styles, and Scott. Derrek was the oldest in the pack therefor making Derrek the Alpha now.
Bethenie Korn: Her strength against Emmetts has only been tested once that we know of. Yes she beat him in arm wrestling so she was called the strongest vampire in the house. But she was a newborn still and that may have changed. Emmett is still and always will be incredibly strong.
Sam, Jared, Paul, Embry, Jacob, Quil, Leah and Seth, Colin and Brady, and then others who aren't mentioned by name.
Samuel Jacob goes by Sam-Jacob, Sammy, and Sam.
jacob is the stronger
Edward Cullen is way stronger than Jacob not by physical strength, but because if Edward bite Jacob he will die!
Sam-Sam. has written: 'Stronger than the strong'
Jacob is by far. My god, he is frickin sexy too.
because sam is dead sexy and Michael will see this and admit that sam is better faster and stronger
Bella and Sam or Sam and Quil
In "New Moon", there are two werewolves: Jacob Black and Sam Uley. Sam leads the werewolf pack in La Push.
No, Sam Uley does not turn Jacob into a wolf. Jacob transforms into a werewolf due to his Quileute heritage and the presence of vampires in the area, triggering his transformation. Sam is the Alpha of the pack and an important figure in guiding the werewolves.
sam is the leader of the werewolf pack that Jacob is in. Later in the book, breaking dawn, Jacob seperates from the pack and starts his own pack
Sam is the Alpha, yes, but Jacob is the one truelysupposed to be the Alpha. He's the one with the most direct lineage. Sam just changed first and Jacob didn't want the responsibility so he let Sam have it.
Bella says that the wolf pack which is Sam and his group she says that they are not good for Jacob.