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well of course Bella is. and then there is Sam, Quil, Embry, and Seth.

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Q: Who are Jacob Black's best friend's?
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Jacob Blacks 2 best friends called?

Jacob's two best friends are Quil and Embry.

Who is Jacob Blacks two best friends?

Bella and Sam or Sam and Quil

What are Jacob Blacks 2 best friends?

Embry Call and Quil Ateara

What are Jacob Blacks 2 best friends called?

Quil and Embry

What are the names of Jacob Blacks two best friends?

embry call quil ateara

What are Jacob Blacks 2 best friends called on twilight?

Jacob Black has two best friends before Bella Swan comes along. Quil Ateara and Embry Call are those friends and they also belong to the wolf pack.

What are Jacob Blacks two best friends called?

Embry Call and Quil Ateara. They also turn into werewolves.

What are Jacob Blacks two friends called in new moon?

Jacobs best two friends are called: Quil Ateara and Embry Call. The original wolf pack is Sam (first changed), Jared and Paul ... Embry joins next ... Then Jacob ... and Quill sometime after that.

Who are Jacob Blacks friends in the book eclipse?

Embry, Jared, Quil, Seth, Leah, Sam, Paul and of couse Bella!

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Is Diggy Simmons friends with Jacob Latimore?

Yes, they are like best friends.

How does Bella know Jacob?

their fathers are best friends