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the doctors over dosed Michael and they were blamed for it

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12y ago

He got them from various pharmacies, pretending the shipments were for his medical practices that don't exist.

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His personal doctor (Conrad Murray).

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Q: Who is responsible for prescribing the medication that killed Michael Jackson?
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his prescribing physicians

Who will be responsible for Michael Jackson children?

Mrs. Katherine Jackson, or Michael Jackson's kids' grandmother, is responsible for them. She is looking after them.

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He took too much sleeping medication.

Of what did Michael Jackson died?

Heart failure, due to an overdose of prescription medication.

Who was the last person to meet Michael Jackson?

His Doctor who accidentally killed him with the wrong medication

Did they find out something important about Michael Jackson's death?

Yes. They found out Michael Jackson's doctor, gave him an overdose of medication and waited 30 Min's before calling the ambulance when MJ was already in cardiac arrest.

Who is the official performer at the swearing in of the president?

Michael Jackson!!!!!=) Michael Jackson!!!!!=) Michael Jackson!!!!!=)

How many who killed themself because of Michael Jackson's death of those people were on medication?

There were twelve reported suicides, there may have been more, it isn't known if any of them were on medication.

What were some of the songs as a teen did Michael Jackson create?

I am certain he did many, but I believe that he was responsible for Dancing Machine.

Who is more famous Michael Jackson or Adele?

Michael Jackson.......Definatley!