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He doesn't have one. It was never mentioned in the manga or anime, and if he did, it would have come up eventually.

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Q: Who is obito Uchiha's brother or brothers?
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Who is madara uchihas brother?

He had at least five brothers. Four were killed in battle, when Madara was still a child. He also had a younger brother, Izuna Uchiha.

Is obito madaras brother?

No, Obito and Madara have no relationship or connection with each other. Izuna is Madara's brother whom he takes his Mangekyou Sharingan from to gain his Eternal Mangekyoi Sharingan.

Who is Tobi bihind the mask?

Madara, Obito or Madara's brother.

Is Obito Uchiha Sasukes Uncle?

Very unlikely.

In Naruto Itachi says you need to kill your best friend to get that one special sharingan why?

That's the legend passed down by the Uchihas. However it seems that it's actually an emotional thing an experience of grief or loss, something that's easier to achieve if you kill a close friend, but can be attained in other ways too, confirmed by the Second Hokage in issue 619. Sasuke's unlocked after learning his brother was not the villain he'd imagined. Obito's unlocked when Kakashi killed Rin, whether this was due to Obito's other eye being in Kakashi, or Obito's own emotions on witnessing this act, is not known.

Is anyone obito?

no obito is obito

What is the plural of brother?

Brothers is the plural form of brother.

What is the name of the movie that a brother his sister?

Brothers, The Brothers Grimm, The Blues Brothers, Four Brothers, Step Brothers, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, The Brothers McMullen, The Brothers Solomon, The Brothers Karamazov, The Brothers Bloom, The Corsican Brothers, ...

Is brother's singular or plural?

Brother's is singular possessive. Brother is singular and brothers is plural.

Is obito Uchiha evil?

Yes, Obito is evil. It was revealed in the Manga that Tobi was Obito.

Is pain obito?

no it is rumered that Tobi is madara uchiha in obito's body but no pein is not obito

Are uchihas lightning?

No. The Uchihas are fire types.But Sasuke is a lightning (thanks to Kakashi's chidori) and a fire type ( because of the Uchiha clan).