Joe is definitely a better name because the name Haleigh is weird.
Haleigh Hurst's birth name is Haleigh Rose Hurst.
Haleigh is the daughter of Kirk Windstein, an American singer, song writer and guitarist.
Joe Casino's birth name is Donald Joe Duke.
Joe Terranova's birth name is Joseph Terranova.
Joe Hopker's birth name is Joanne Hopker.
Haleigh Tutrow's birth name is Haleigh Michelle Tutrow.
Haleigh Costantino's birth name is Haleigh Alyssa Costantino.
Haleigh Hurst's birth name is Haleigh Rose Hurst.
The female given name is Hayley or Haley, but also Haleigh or Hayleigh. Haleigh is also used as a boy's name.
Haleigh is a up-market way of spelling Hayley, which means "hay meadow"
Haleigh Toner is 5' 8".
Haleigh Ward is 4' 9".
Haleigh Sheehan goes by Hale.
Haleigh has 6 definitions like HAy feild, Hay stack, HEY! ( the created the word hey! from Haleigh) Her,Heroine, and Hay honey tree.
hollihay, halo, hay-hay
Haleigh Poutre was born on 1994-02-24.