Cameron Hurst's birth name is Cameron Lane Ward Hurst.
Joe is definitely a better name because the name Haleigh is weird.
Mary Anne Shula's birth name is Mary Anne Hurst.
Haleigh is the daughter of Kirk Windstein, an American singer, song writer and guitarist.
Yes Hunter Hurst Helmsly is back.
Haleigh Tutrow's birth name is Haleigh Michelle Tutrow.
Haleigh Costantino's birth name is Haleigh Alyssa Costantino.
Haleigh Hurst was born on October 27, 1995, in Kern, California, USA.
Bruce Hurst's birth name is Bruce Vee Hurst.
Hawthorne Hurst's birth name is William Hawthorne Hurst.
Jackson Hurst's birth name is Jackson Ryan Hurst.
Megan Hurst's birth name is Megan Elizabeth Hurst.
Vida Hurst's birth name is Vida F. Hurst.
Cameron Hurst's birth name is Cameron Lane Ward Hurst.
Denise Hurst's birth name is Denise Hirst.
Gloria Hurst's birth name is Gloria Carolyn Hirst.
Margaret Hurst's birth name is Johnston, Margaret Minnis.