Kathryn Grayson's birth name is Zelma Kathryn Elisabeth Hedrick.
Kathryn Gracey is 5' 9".
Kathryn Stockwood is 6' 0".
Kathryn Leng was born in 1973.
Kathryn Mead was born in 1977.
Kathryn Bernardos was born March 26, 1996 and therefore is born under the sign of Aries.
sinigang na baboy.
Bernardos's population is 670.
Teodor C. Barnardo
luzviminda bernardo
Kathryn chandria Ortega manuel Cruz bernardo's dad's name is Teodor C. bernardo and Kathryn chandria ortega manuel cruz bernardo's mom's name is Luzviminda M. bernardo also known as Min bernardo by kathryn chandria ortega manuel cruz bernardo Friends and Co-star.
Anita, who was also Bernardos girlfriend
Kathryn Grayson's birth name is Zelma Kathryn Elisabeth Hedrick.
The cast of La otra cara del espejo - 1965 includes: Carmen Bernardos Carmen Bernardos as Duquesa de Alba Manuel Dicenta as Napoleon Antonio Prieto
Kathryn Bernardo goes by Kath or Kathryn.
Kathryn McCormick goes by Kathryn, and Kat.
Kathryn Gracey is 5' 9".