Jaden Smith is liking a girl named gabriela something i wish i was her sigh
Jennifer Tyson is jaden smith old girlfriend
Jaden Betts's birth name is Jaden Isaiah Betts.
Jaden Smith's dad is Will Smith
yes.but,he says he likes jaden smith's girlfriend Eliza Enid Garza.he seriously wants them to break up.he says she is s-e-x-y
i think jaden just beats Jesse!!:) jaden 100% jesses alright but i think if jaden had no heros he would still win i disagree with that statement Jaden AND Jesse are both awsome BUT in a duel like the answer above Jaden would kick butt haha its true Jesse's cool with his crystal beasts and all, but Jaden rocks the dueling world with his heros lyer who beat marcel? not jaden he coudln't do squat, if it weren't 4 Jesse and rainbow dragon jaden would be ded I don't know, I like Mai Valentine ^_-
jaden smiths girlfriend is kikian mitchell
Jaden doesen't have a girlfriend!
Yes, Jaden Smith Does Have A GirlFriend !
No jaden smith has no girlfriend
Jaden Smith has not released the name of his girlfriend.
no jaden wont get a girlfriend until he is 14
Yes, Jaden Smith has a girlfriend ........ its me Vanessa N. Gumbi.
He does not have a girlfriend.
Am ayana hyman and no am not jaden smiths girlfriend cause I don't
Yes he does.
he dont have a girlfriend