i think jaden just beats Jesse!!:)
jaden 100% jesses alright but i think if jaden had no heros he would still win
i disagree with that statement Jaden AND Jesse are both awsome BUT in a duel like the answer above Jaden would kick butt haha its true Jesse's cool with his crystal beasts and all, but Jaden rocks the dueling world with his heros
lyer who beat marcel? not jaden he coudln't do squat, if it weren't 4 Jesse and rainbow dragon jaden would be ded
I don't know, I like Mai Valentine ^_-
Jaden Betts's birth name is Jaden Isaiah Betts.
Jaden Smith's dad is Will Smith
jaden beyond scaredstraight season 4 epiode 2
Jaden Smith has a crush on Kendall Jenner, in fact, he said he's in love with her.
Jaden wins
Charaters in Yu-Gi-Oh!
Episode 106
When Jesse gets sucked into a vortex into another world, yubel is in that world and takes over Jesse to get to jaden.
Jesse Anderon Does not love Alexis he barely pays attention to the girls at duel academy. Besides Aleixis likes Jaden (Im pretty sure about that ^_^) -Also Jesse likes Jaden more than Alexis -And Alexis has stronger feelings towards Zane
Yubel and Jaden have a duel in episode 152 and just before Jaden finishes Jesse (Jesse being controlled by Yubel at this point) defuses with Jesse and then has control of the "super polymerisation" card and fuses herself with Jaden. With Rainbow Neos on the field, Yubel has no choice but to upgrade to her second form. Yubel shows Jaden a vision of the past and Jaden realizes what he must do to help an old friend. Jaden battles with Yubel and understands what he has to do to save Yubel. He uses super polymerisation to fuse his soul with yubels. After a month, Jaden has finally returned to Duel Academy, but stays inside his room. Jesse, Axel, Jim, and Adrian have all returned to their schools, and Syrus, Chazz, and Blair are all in Obelisk Blue. Then something mysterious happens to the Duel System so Chazz, Alexis, and a new student go to investigate. jaden duels yubel and yubel says to jaden that her mission is to priteced jaden yubel goes to finesh jaden off but jaden plays a spell card that adds super polymrishon to his hand and he fuses his soul with yubel, (if you watch the episode on youtube you can see it just put in, "yugioh gx episode 152"
he gave his deck to jaden he doesnt have any cards
Jaden is spelled like this- 'Jaden Smith'.
Saul, the first king of Israel and then David, the youngest son of Jesse,
Jaden Smith is bigger than hes sister Willow Smith
In the anmie Jaden has just finished dueling somebody. Then he says to his friends thet he is going to stay in the alternate demsion with yubel. Then everyone else returns to duel acdmey and Sryus starts crying. Then Jesse (MY MOST FAVORITE CHARRECTER) looks up at the sky. In the magna Jaden comes back to the normal world and is seen at a gradution duel. Jesse makes a apprence at the North Acdmey gradution party.