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Hidan's Parents Aren't Mentioned.

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Q: Who is hidans parents?
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What is hidans blood type?

Hidans blood type is B.

What is the name for hidans team?

akatsuki, but Hidan isn't the leader.

Does Zetsu collect Hidans body?

No. Hidan's Body Is In A Pit. Where None Of The Akatsuki Can Find And Get Him.

Who cut off hidans head off?

It really depends. The first time his head was cut off was by Asuma and his chakra blades. The second time it was blown off my Shikamaru's paper bombs.

When is hidans birthday?

according to one of my semi-reliable resources, Hidan's birthday is April 2nd.

What is hidan in Naruto religion?

Hidan is a character in the anime Naruto who follows the religion of Jashinism, a belief system centered around a god named Jashin. This religion involves ritualistic practices that involve killing and self-harm as a means of offering sacrifices to the god.

What happened to hidan?

Shikamaru blew him to pieces with explosive tags over a hole. Hidan then fell into the hole. Shikamaru said He was Hidans god, not Jashin then rocks fell onto his decapitated body. He's not dead yet but dying a slow death with lack of sacrifices to Jashin. There for making him not immortal. Then dying a normal humans death of just being decapitated.

Which is correct - is your parents or are your parents?

Are your parents.

What is your parents in french?

your parents : tes parents

Where does your last name Estrada comes from?

Your Parents and their parents and their parents and their get the idea=)

Who were Chairman Mao's parents?

Mao's parents were your parents.

Where were her parents born?

the parents are mira`s parents